Twitter Weekly Updates for Lifestyle dental
- Karen and I have been given nick names. Im Little Miss Naughty wonder why, Karen is Little Miss Bump. As she keeps dropping things. #
- moving on up new – wacth out for our new dental care pacakages news coming soon #
- Watch out for our new dental care packages coming soon #
- Implantologist wanted for a Private practice in Preston 1 or 2 days available call now on 01772 717316 #
- Who is the greek god of denistry?????? answers on a post card please. hahahhaha #
- Busy busy day today. Loads more new patients coming through the door. We love being busy #
- what a great day – improved our whitening packages for further details… #
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- More white smiles retained this morning. 1 was a perio. 1 was the Diamond Package and also we did a Advanced Zoom… #
- Good luck to Nadim and Karen on the reverse Bungee on Sunday.
If any one wants to watch them they will be at the… # - The answer to the question Who is the Greek God of dentistry ???? Its Aesculapius. Greek letter A for (Delta) O for ( Odont) #
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