How To Overcome Dental Phobia
DO you have a dental phobia or have you had a bad experience at the dentist ? In this weeks video blog Nadim talks about what options you have and how you can overcome your dental phobia.
How To Tell if You Have Tooth Wear
What is tooth wear? well tooth wear can be the enamel on the teeth getting worn away due to teeth being ground down either by grinding the teeth or by an acidic diet. Tooth wear is different to decay in that the way it develops and also the symptoms it presents. So how do you […]
Gaps In Your Smile?
Do you have a gap in your smile or in your mouth there can be a number of different ways in which this can be closed in this weeks video blog Nadim talks about your options and what you can do
The Consequences Of Tooth Loss
There are a number of consequences of tooth loss and in this video Nadim talks about how damaging tooth loss can be and how to prevent the long term problems that can occur as a result of tooth loss
Do You Have Sensitive Teeth ?
Nadim answers a quite commonly asked question about sensitive teeth